



Received a fraudulent email or text?

If you’ve received an email or text from WSECU and believe it is fraudulent, you can report it here: phishing@rockmark.net. Please be sure to attach the email or a screenshot of the text for review.

If you responded to the email or text or clicked on any links, please call our Contact Center at 800.562.0999. We’re available 7:00 am-7:00 pm Monday-Friday and 9:00 am-2:00 pm Saturday.

你也可以使用我们的 提交指引表格 to report suspicious communications.

We protect your privacy, your information and your money

At WSECU, we work hard to keep your accounts safe and your privacy protected by offering:

  • Secure Online and Mobile 银行
  • 数据加密
  • 欺诈监测
  • 欺诈和帐户警报
  • 信息 cybersecurity resources
woman holding a phone up to look at the screen while out on a city sidewalk

Receive a suspicious communication? 告诉我们更多.

To report a phishing communication, click below and follow the prompts.


The steps you can take to help protect yourself from fraud

  • 1

    Sign up for fraud and account alerts

    设置警报 that will notify you of unusual activity on your account.

  • 2


    Secure your accounts and devices with unique passwords.

  • 3

    Opt for multifactor authentication

  • 4

    Report fraudulent emails and texts

    Forward any emails and texts that appear to impersonate WSECU to phishing@rockmark.net. If you opened any links and are concerned about your account security, call our Contact Center at 800.562.0999.

  • 5

    Update apps and operating systems

    As technology and commerce evolves, so does fraud. Follow your best practices by making sure your devices are current.

  • 6


    Request free copies of your credit report from each credit bureau through 年度信用报告.com.

What to do if you are a victim of fraud

Fraud departments are there to help

For WSECU accounts, please call our Contact Center at 800.562.0999. We’re available 7:00 am-7:00 pm Monday-Friday and 9:00 am-2:00 pm Saturday.

What to do if you are a victim of fraud

Fraud departments are there to help

For WSECU accounts, please call our Contact Center at 800.562.0999. We’re available 7:00 am-7:00 pm Monday-Friday and 9:00 am-2:00 pm Saturday.


Contact one of the credit bureaus to request a fraud alert be added to your file. The other two credit bureaus will be notified. You may also wish to contact each and put a freeze on your credit.

Equifax: 800.525.6285

益百利: 888.397.3742

TransUnion: 800.680.7289

Report identity theft and fraud

Government agencies such as the 联邦贸易委员会 和联邦调查局的 互联网合规中心 use reports to investigate fraud and internet crimes. Filing reports provides documentation and evidence for your case.


Being victim of fraud does not always limit liability. Gather as much evidence as possible. You may even wish to file a police report to further document your case.

Your perspective is important to us and helps us see where we’re hitting the mark and where there might be areas to improve.